
Work It Out!

Romans 8:28 contains a promise for all of us when times get scary. Dance along with this new song about how God will “Work it Out!”

Ministry Tools

One Trained Leader for Every 50 Children

Daniel Odoi Sowah, the lead pastor of ICGC Glorious Temple Addogono Nungua, Accra, Ghana, shares why you should support 1for50. It is a global phenomena equipping local leaders to make a kingdom difference in children.

What Happens When You Join 1for50? The Shocking Truth.

Join 1for50! Daniel Odoi Sowah, the lead pastor of ICGC Glorious Temple Addogono Nungua, Accra, Ghana, shares how young leaders trained by 1for50 were equipped to share the gospel to children in their community!

1for50 Has Made a Difference in Pastor Daniel!

Daniel Odoi Sowah, the lead pastor of ICGC Glorious Temple Addogono Nungua, Accra, Ghana, shares his story of how 1for50 changed his life and his son's life. To donate financially to the movement, click the "GIVE" tab.

Helping Children Defend Their Faith

Today’s world is challenging for our children to navigate. We want to see them empowered, standing firm in their faith in the Lord, and overcoming false doctrines, the influence of culture and ungodly traditional practices. Join Martha Mwanyongo, our 1for50 regional leader from Malawi, as she leads us in an exploration of how we can help our children stand strong in faith.

Integrate 4/14 Academy Courses in Training

The 4/14 Academy is a free online training resource for children and youth ministry workers around the world. Learn through engaging online courses that include a combination of video and written activities, developed by experts in children, youth, and family ministry (including some of our 1for50 team). On 29 October, we explored how we can use the 4/14 courses to strengthen and diversify the live training we do.

Enrichment Call Survey Results

Thank you for your replies to our Enrichment Call Survey! Here are the results of that survey. Add your comments and feedback in the comments below. We look forward to serving you with more content in the coming months to help you reach, disciple and empower the next generation.

Empowering Children

Our children are creative and have so much potential to be used by God for Kingdom impact. However, many Christians do not think about children being partners or even taking the lead in ministry. What would happen if we listened to children, gave them the space to plan strategies for ministry and then supported them as they launched into action? Join 1for50 global trainer, Sheryl Grunwald, as she takes us through a tested ministry model used to empower 9–12-year children for ministry in their community.

Maximizing Media Use

On Tuesday 25 July 2024, Toninardi Wijono and Jenny Goenewan shared creative ways to use our mobile phones to enhance our ministry to children. Since mobile phones are tools all of us hold in our hands, the ideas shared are applicable to everyone!

1for50 Partnerships in the Philippines

On 3 June 2021 in our partner webinar, Gloria shared about the beautiful partnership relationships that came out of her connections through 1for50. Although time has passed since this video was created, the stories and impact is still valid!

Multiplying Training through a Partnership in Kenya

This excerpt from the 1for50 Partner Webinar on 3 June 2021 features Pastor James sharing a few stories of how 1for50 trainings have multiplied the impact in his region in Kenya.

Mobilizing Believers for a Life on Mission

The Biblical message about God's mission is a message to all believers. It is also a message that all believers are made in God's image, with a specific set of individual and spiritual gifts, and all are called to be agents and stewards of the Good News. Mobilizing is therefore an action to help believers move from a space of non-involvement to each person's unique place of strategic involvement in God's mission. Join Francois Joubert, South Africa's Regional Associate with Operation Mobilization, as he shows us practical ways to mobilize others to mission, including mission to children.

Managing Classroom Behavior

Kimberle and Nancy showcase the 1for50 Enrichment Lesson, "Managing Classroom Behavior." This lesson is one a set of Enrichment lessons that build on 1for50's Three-Day TWELVE. The instructor's guide and supporting files can all be downloaded and used for free.

Celebrating and Sharing (Writers Workshop Session 10)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 10 took place on 10 April 2024.

Back to the 50s Celebration 2024

Hallelujah! The Lord is good, and we had an incredible time celebrating His faithfulness and goodness to 1for50 with worship, testimonies and exciting updates during the 9 April 2024 enrichment call.

Changing the Mindset of Leaders and Churches toward Children’s Ministry

On 3 October 2023, we heard from a panel of four key leaders from Mexico, Kenya, Cameroon, and Ghana on how to approach leaders, overcome obstacles and engage leaders. Watch the recording of this enrichment call to hear their great ideas that you can apply to your own context.

Writing for a Global Audience (Session 9)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 9 took place on 3 April 2024.

Introductions, Conclusions and Transitions (Writers Workshop Session 8)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 8 took place on 27 March 2024.

Training For Oral Preference Learners (Writers Workshop Session 7)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 7 took place on 20 March 2024.

Creating Learning Activities (Writers Workshop Session 6)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 6 took place on 13 March 2024.

Identifying and Sequencing Main Ideas (Writers Workshop Session 5)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 5 took place on 6 March 2024.

Content Guidelines (Writers Workshop Session 4)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 4 took place on 28 February 2024.

Design Process and Identifying Outcomes (Writers Workshop Session 3)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 3 took place on 21 February 2024.

Training Discovery (Writers Workshop Session 2)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 2 took place on 14 February 2024.

Foundations For Developing Fruitful Training (Writers Workshop Session 1)

In a 1for50 OneHope Partnership, Karen Helmuth lead a 10-week workshop on how to develop training curriculum. Session 1 took place on 7 February 2024.

Brokenness to Wholeness Trainings are Bearing Fruit in the Philippines

On 24 January 2023 we gathered together online to listen to what God was doing through our trainers around the world. Debbie and Jezza shared the impact of their initiatives using the "Brokenness to Wholeness training Curriculum." Listen to their story of how God worked beyond their expectations.

Branding for Gospel Impact

Branding consistency limits confusion, communicates integrity, gains trust, and secures loyalty. Imagine the impact among our global children’s leaders if our messaging was clear and consistent. View our enrichment call, “Branding for Gospel Impact,” to not only learn principles for communicating your vision for the next generation, but also gain practical skills in visual design. Jonathan will help you gain confidence in your skills as together, you will create an attractive flyer to invite others to your next event.

Using the 1for50 Standard Color Palate in your PowerPoint Presentation

Rather than using the default Office color scheme, create a custom color theme that perfectly matches the 1for50 branded colors! The next time you need to create a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation with your custom training and vision casting content, you can create and design in line with our 1for50 branding.

Flyer Tutorial

Using PowerPoint, follow this tutorial to create your own flyer for your next event.

1for50 Vision Casting for Children’s Leaders

Jenny shares an inspiring story about Rani, a girl who began to follow Jesus in the midst of hard times and led others to do the same. Learn about how 1for50 can equip your local leaders to raise up more kids like Rani!

Five Aspects of Increasing Influence as a Leader

Greg Fritz shared five aspects of increasing influence as a leader to our global 1for50 leaders on 16 January 2024. Listen to the end for the great question and answer session. 1. Spiritual Authority 2. Spiritual Maturity 3. Spiritual Disciplines 4. Little-big principle 5. Give God the credit

Only One Life

Pastor Rey inspired leaders on Tuesday 16 January 2024 with a reminder to invest in one life at a time. This devotion preceded an enrichment call entitled "Five aspects of Increasing Influence as a Leader."

Reflections with Mariam

Mariam shares what God has done in 2022 as she looks ahead in to the New Year.

Developing Training Curriculum

On 14 November, 2023 Karen Helmuth (OneHope) equipped us how to Develop Fruitful Training Curriculum.

1for50 is Transforming the Next Generation

1for50 is a 501(c)3 non-profit and is supported by the prayers and financial gifts of churches and individuals. Donations may be made by going to the 1for50 website and clicking the "GIVE" button

Using Social Media in Ministry

On 22 September 2023, Nikki Hahn (WorldVenture), helped us understand how to manage our Social Media use to expand our Kingdom impact.

1for50 Enrichments Curriculum Promo

Watch this short video to get an overview of the 1for50 Enrichments Training Curriculum.

Family & Parenting Curriculum Promo

Watch this short video to get an overview of our Family & Parenting Training Curriculum.

From Brokenness to Wholeness Curriculum Promo

Watch this short video to get an overview of our Brokenness to Wholeness Training Curriculum, equipping children's leaders to help their kids recover from trauma.

One-Day TWELVE Curriculum Promo

Watch this short video to get a quick overview of our One-Day TWELVE Training Curriculum.

Three-Day TWELVE Curriculum Promo

Watch this short video to get a quick overview of our Three-Day TWELVE Training Curriculum.

Hosting a Regional Event

"When will there be another global 1for50 Event?" This question has been asked many time since the pandemic. Until that time occurs, we would love to empower our regional leaders to plan and prepare for their own events. On 8 February 2022, we showcased a panel of leaders who have done just that. Follow their examples to host your own regional event. Click the link below to access the folder of sample documents that will assist you as you plan your own regional event:

How to Share the Gospel with a Teabag

Help children understand the good news of the gospel with this engaging object lesson! Practice the presentation along with Nancy ahead of time, so that when you present it to the kids you are clear, effective, and know how to do it without burning the house down! Be responsible and STAY SAFE. Do this presentation away from flammable areas! Any time there is an open flame, ensure that the children have proper adult supervision! Thanks to the Lumo Project for the photos of Jesus' life.

Active Listening Examples

Watch the following demonstrations of an adult listening to a child (Scenario 2 begins at 1:52). Take note of the things the adult does well or not so well. Reflect on the following questions with each scenario: ● What did the teacher do? ● How did the teacher do it? ● Why do you think the teacher responded the way he/she did? ● What was the effect on the child? This dramatisation is part of the 4 lesson, "Learning to Listen Well," in the Brokenness to Wholeness Trauma training curriculum ( This video can be shown as a supplement to the dramatisation. Background audio track thanks to

Protecting and Safeguarding our Children

On Tuesday 18 April 2023, 1for50 hosted an online training to help leaders protect and safeguard the children in our contexts. Ruth Vergnon, Albania, help us:

  • Understand God’s heart for keeping children safe,
  • Identify the range of potential risks to children coming from the church activities, people and operations.
  • And consider the ways that the church can reduce or manage the risk of harm to children
(Additional Resource Links below.)

A Prayer for 1for50 (10/10)

A 1for50 Regional Leader is ready to support the movement in prayer. Join Saviour as she leads us through four ways to pray. This is video 10 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?" Thank you to for providing the Public Domain piano accompaniment to our prayer time.

The Regional Leader Covenant (9/10)

A 1for50 Regional Leader is committed. Sign the covenant to note your involvement. Download the PDF of the covenant below. This is video 9 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?"

Our 2025 Goals (8/10)

When we set goals in 2020 we had no idea what God would do! We can't wait to tell you about our goals for 2025! This is video 8 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?"

Seasons of Ministry (7/10)

A 1for50 Regional Leader experiences seasons of ministry. And each season can look a little different. Some seasons require deeper involvement in the 1for50 movement, other seasons may take you to away from 1for50 to serve among others. What season are you in? This is video 7 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?"

What is a Region? (6/10)

A Regional Leader oversees a region of other leaders. But what is a region? Who is in your sphere of influence? This is video 6 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?"

The Heart of a Regional Leader (5/10)

You may only see the outside of a Regional Leader, what they do. But a 1for50 Regional leader has more beneath the surface. They know the foundations of the 1for50 DNA and they have have a heart that abides with Christ. Do you have what it takes to be a 1for50 Regional Leader at your very core? This is video 5 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?"

The 1for50 Roles (4/10)

A Regional Leader may serve in one or more of the 1for50 roles, but it is more. It's a level of commitment. How committed are you? This is video 4 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?"

The 1for50 Efforts (3/10)

A 1for50 Regional Leader makes efforts to mobilize, connect and equip other local leaders. Are these the efforts you are making in your ministry to the next generation? This is video 3 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?"

A 1for50 Regional Leader (2/10)

What is a Regional Leader? We asked our Regional Leaders around the planet that question and this is what they said. This is video 2 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?" After watching this videos, our leaders further discussed what a Regional Leader is. Download the PDF of what they discussed below.

The 1for50 Mission, Dream, and Hand (1/10)

A 1for50 Regional Leader knows the basic DNA of 1for50. How well do you know the mission, dream and hand? This is video 1 of 10 taken from a live 1for50 Enrichment Call on Tuesday 30 May 2023 entitled, "I'm a Regional Leader. What's That?"

The DNA of 1for50: Meet the Avantes (8/8)

In this eight part recording of a live zoom call from July 2022, our 1for50 Global Leadership Team presented the DNA of our movement to an international community of Children's Ministry Leaders. Operating System (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Artist:

Are You a 1for50 Leader? (7/8)

In this eight part recording of a live zoom call from July 2022, our 1for50 Global Leadership Team presented the DNA of our movement to an international community of Children's Ministry Leaders. Operating System (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Artist:

The DNA of 1for50: Core Values (6/8)

In this eight part recording of a live zoom call from July 2022, our 1for50 Global Leadership Team presented the DNA of our movement to an international community of Children's Ministry Leaders. Operating System (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Artist:

The DNA of 1for50: The Efforts (5/8)

In this eight part recording of a live zoom call from July 2022, our 1for50 Global Leadership Team presented the DNA of our movement to an international community of Children's Ministry Leaders. Operating System (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Artist:

The DNA of 1for50: Why Kids (4/8)

In this eight part recording of a live zoom call from July 2022, our 1for50 Global Leadership Team presented the DNA of our movement to an international community of Children's Ministry Leaders. Operating System (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Artist:

The DNA of 1for50: The Dream (3/8)

In this eight part recording of a live zoom call from July 2022, our 1for50 Global Leadership Team presented the DNA of our movement to an international community of Children's Ministry Leaders. Operating System (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Artist:

Enduring Ministry Amidst Uncertainty (2/8)

In this eight part recording of a live zoom call from July 2022, our 1for50 Global Leadership Team presented the DNA of our movement to an international community of Children's Ministry Leaders. Operating System (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Artist:

An Introduction to the DNA of 1for50 (1/8)

In this eight part recording of a live zoom call from July 2022, our 1for50 Global Leadership Team presented the DNA of our movement to an international community of Children's Ministry Leaders. Operating System (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Artist:

Children and Trauma (Live Curriculum Showcase)

On Tuesday 29 November 2022, Jezza Pingo showcased a lesson from 1for50's From Brokenness to Wholeness Curriculum. Download the supporting documents of this call below. Intro music thanks to FESLIYANSTUDIOS.COM Intro stock footage thanks to PEXELS.COM.

Handling Outside Influences (Live Curriculum Showcase)

On Tuesday 15 November 2022, Sheryl Grunwald showcased a lesson from 1for50's Family & Parenting Curriculum. Download the supporting documents of this call below. Intro music thanks to FESLIYANSTUDIOS.COM Intro stock footage thanks to PEXELS.COM.

Object Lessons and Demonstrations (Live Curriculum Showcase)

On Tuesday 8 November 2022, Nancy Fritz showcased a lesson of the 1for50 Enrichments Curriculum. The curriculum for this training, along with many other free, open source resources to help you reach, disciple and empower your children, can be downloaded at Download the supporting documents of this call below. Intro music thanks to FESLIYANSTUDIOS.COM Intro stock footage thanks to PEXELS.COM.

Communicating with Children (Live Curriculum Showcase)

On Tuesday 25 October 2022, Sheryl Grunwald and Jackie Ng showcased a lesson combining elements of 1for50's Family & Parenting and From Brokenness to Wholeness Curricula. Download the supporting documents of this call here below. Intro music thanks to FESLIYANSTUDIOS.COM Intro stock footage thanks to PEXELS.COM.

Memory Verse Ideas (Live Curriculum Showcase)

On Tuesday 11 October 2022, Kimberle Fowle showcased a lesson of the 1for50 Enrichments Curriculum.Download the supporting documents of this call below. Intro music thanks to FESLIYANSTUDIOS.COM Intro stock footage thanks to PEXELS.COM.

Hearing God’s Voice

Parents, have you wondered how to help your children hear God's voice? Building a relationship with God now and reading the Bible consistently is essential to learning to recognize His voice. When faced with a choice, Jenny presents four questions to ask that will guide you to a godly decision. Historic footage thanks to the Torgerson Family Archives Animations created by Jonathan N. Stone. Stock Video thanks to

The Theology of Abuse

Why does abuse happen? Why are children victims of this kind of suffering? Join Titus Folden as he shares the theology of abuse. Tooled with this understanding, you will be better equipped to create a culture of child safety for your children. To purchase the book, Caring for the Vulnerable Child, Welcoming Children Who Have Experienced Neglect, Abandonment and Abuse by Steven R. Tracy and Celestia G. Tracy visit Find out more about WorldVenture at Stock video thanks to Music thanks to

Statistics of Abuse

Child abuse is a disturbing reality in our world today. Fortunately, there many who want to help create a safe culture for our children. If you or someone you know is a victim of child abuse. Tell a trusted friend! In addition, here are some great resources that can provide you with next steps (download from the link below). Stock footage thanks to Music thanks to

Talking with Children about Following Jesus

After a child has prayed to receive Jesus, it is good to dialogue with them so they can articulate what has happened in their mind and heart. Steven shares some ideas that will help you engage them in conversation. This video is part of a free online course on the 4/14 Academy called, "Talking with Children about Following Jesus." Check out this course and many others to equip you as you serve the next generation.

Helping Children Memorize Scripture (Part 6 of 6)

Join Sheryl as she reveals several practical ideas for helping children memorize God’s Word. God’s Word is key to our growth as disciples. How do we help children in our ministries meaningfully engage with God’s Word? This video is the final part of a six part video series that explores five keys for helping children grasp God’s Word more fully and considers practical ideas to help children hear, read, and memorize God’s Word. This video is part of a free online course on the 4/14 Academy called "The Characteristics of Children." Check out this course and many others to equip you as you serve the next generation.

Learning to Read and Think about God’s Word (Part 5 of 6)

Join Sheryl as she shares a simple method for helping children to read and think about God’s Word. God’s Word is key to our growth as disciples. How do we help children in our ministries meaningfully engage with God’s Word? This video is part five of a six part video series that explores five keys for helping children grasp God’s Word more fully and considers practical ideas to help children hear, read, and memorize God’s Word. This video is part of a free online course on the 4/14 Academy called "The Characteristics of Children." Check out this course and many others to equip you as you serve the next generation.

The Farmer and the Turnip

This fun, Russian folktale is a beautiful illustration of what working together can accomplish.

Ministries Children Can Do

Join Michelle as she shares some great ideas about how children can serve in and as the church!

4/14 Academy Instructions

Do you seek to reach the now and the next generation for Christ? The 4/14 Academy is here to equip you with free online training and resources. Join Jonathan as he reveals how with just a few clicks, you can gain skills to make you more effective in your ministry with children. Get started today by clicking the link below.

Involving Children in the Story (Part 4 of 6)

How can we involve children in the story as we teach the Bible?

Submit to One Another

Understanding the role of leader and following it for our good.

Stop Judging One Another

Changing the habit of criticizing others and judging them.

Spur One Another On

Finding ways to nudge each other to do what is right and good.

Pray for One Another

Remembering to pray for each other--at the moment and every day.

Offer Hospitality to One Another

Welcoming others and sharing without grumbling.

Live in Peace with One Another

Deciding to be peacemakers at home rather than trouble makers.

Instruct One Another

Helping each other learn and be the best we can be.

Honor One Another

Learning to esteem one another with our words.

Greet One Another

Learning the importance of greeting and acknowledging others in the family.

Fellowship with One Another

Learning that serving together as a family can be fun and a blessing.

Do Not Slander One Another

Learning to guard our words before we use them to hurt each other.

Don’t Grumble Against One Another

Becoming aware of how often we complain about each other and what it does to the family.

Confess to One Another

Learning to admit to others in the family when we hurt them and asking for forgiveness.

Build Up One Another

Discovering some practical ways to encourage and build up others in the family.

Be Humble Toward One Another

Considering others more important than myself.

Be Devoted to One Another

Learning about loyalty that stands with one another no matter what.

Agree with One Another

Helping us focus on the things we have in common instead of the things that are different.

Accept One Another

Learning to welcome each other and respect our differences.

Don’t Provoke One Another

Resisting the temptation to push someone's button just to annoy them.

Be Patient with One Another

Allowing others the time to learn and grow.

Forgive One Another

Learning to forgive and forget.

Harmony with One Another

Valuing and respecting each other without pride and conceit.

Serve One Another

Learning to ask yourself, 'What needs to be done here?'

Love One Another

Learning that love is a decision, not just a feeling.

What Makes a Good Storyteller? (Part 3 of 6)

How can we make hearing the Bible more engaging?

Partnering with Children: Benefits & Challenges

How can we empower children as partners with us in ministry?

Connecting with the Whole Child

How can we teach children to respond in love to God with every part of who they are?

Grasping God’s Word (Part 2 of 6)

How can we help children engage with God's Word?

Why God’s Word? (Part 1 of 6)

Why is God's Word important for children?

Sharing the Gospel Colors

How can you share the gospel with today's children?

The Three-Stone Fire

What does it take to disciple children well?

God’s Heart for Children

What is the vision and heart you have for the children in your sphere of influence?

Our World Today

What are children facing in our world today?

The Lesson of the Two Candles

Sometimes it may seem that investing in children is costly. Let this lesson encourage you about what a great investment it is!

Churches Helping Families

What would happen if the church and the family worked together to see children grow in faith?

The Ministry of a Children’s Leader (Part 2)

Often the task of teaching and discipling children can feel like too much responsibility. How can we carry the burden?

The Ministry of a Children’s Leader (Part 1)

Discover six biblical principles to help children's leaders teach and lead children to grow as disciples.

The Moving Nest Game

Play this fun game to teach leaders (or children) how to work together to build God's Kingdom.

The 6-Nail Challenge: An Object Lesson

Use this object lesson to help your team "open up the possibilities" for reaching kids with the love of Jesus!

Videography Made Simple

It is challenging to stand in front of a camera and record a video!
In this film, therefore, we want to help you use what is available in your home to create the best possible video to share your message to reach, disciple and empower children to become Kingdom champions.

Becoming a Great Storyteller

Great storytellers understand that storytelling is really a conversation, a dialogue between people, an exchange of meaning. Learn how to tell a Bible story that will engage your children with the story.

Praying Through the News with Your Children

Help disciple your children at home by praying through the news together. Learn how in this engaging video.

Coronavirus Rules for Family Discussion

Watch and download this fun video to learn great ideas for how to use the coronavirus safety guidelines to remind children of important truths from God's Word.